Connect with a Losstender
Meet the Losstenders of 2023

Losstenders are everyday Edmontonians with experience of grief and loss who co-create healing moments and rituals.

Hello, my name is Cassandra, but you can call me Cass or Cassie. I am an Indigenous two-spirit woman. I am from the (Stoney Sioux) Nakota, Cree and Métis people. I grew up on Paul First Nation but I currently live in amiskwaciwâskahikan (or Edmonton).My journey with the loss in my life led me to creative writing. My ability to write about my dreams, feelings, hopes and pain gave me agency and the power to tell my own story. As your losstender, that is what I hope to do for you. To create a space that feels safe, open and honest to tell your story.
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My name is Kate, and I am a multidisciplinary artist here in Amiskwaciwâskahikan. I am a white settler of German and British descent, originally from oskana kâ-asastêki (Regina, Saskatchewan).
Music, poetry, and visual art are my means of expression, and my vessels for emotion, especially when life feels full (or even spills over)! I find great solace in writing lyrics and mantras, whether they are in response to grief and loss, or release and play. I also love making multimedia art, especially collages. I would love to share time and space with you - collaborating, singing, creating, sharing, and being in the moment together.
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I’m a mom and a partner and I have a really big dog that I spend a lot of time walking within the River Valley. I’ve lived in Boyle Mccauley with my family for the past eight years. Creatively, I’m a writer and I also like to use astrology and oracle cards to engage with people’s stories. I’ve also used photography to help people process their experiences and that includes loss and grief. Professionally I’ve worked therapeutically with people for the past 15 years.I just really hope to connect with people and give space to people and, you know, whether that’s through a one time meeting or an ongoing relationship or friendship.
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Boozhoo boozhoo. My name is Makade Makwa. I’m Anishinaabe inini from Couchiching First Nation. I am of the doodem Adik, the caribou clan, and my color is red. I am the black bear. And my other name is Robert Tate.I worked for many years as an oshkaabewis, which is a ceremonial helper. I weave ceremony throughout my life and my writing. I imagine a relationship in which I can learn, heal and allow loss to move through me constant and ever changing much like this river behind me. I hope to support you with your own loss through writing in a reciprocal manner. So loss, I want to walk with you gently upon this earth.
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I am a second generation Egyptian immigrant, a writer, a breath worker and energy worker and a terrible artist. The best pronouns for me are they/ them. But the good “hey, you” often works.I believe in the importance of honoring grief and loss and honoring our survival. My favorite ways to honor my loved ones and my journey are storytelling and embodiment practices. I’m so interested in the stories that our bodies and histories tell. I love the ways that we can heal when we’re allowed to be honest about our pain. I envision us having a relationship of kindness and hope where we can share that honesty together.
Hi, my name is Jeannie, I’m very grateful and excited to be a Losstender for 2023.I love all things dance. I love to sit and listen and hear stories. I love to express my feelings with dance and learn from others.
If you want to sit with me and another coffee and just talk, or connect through movement, share space, share stories. I’d be honored to do so. It’s great to meet you!
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I’m Tyson Cardinal, also known as Brown Horse Singing “Osawapahstim”.• Father/son/brother/uncle/grandson
• Healing Journey since 2018. I was exposed to trauma since 3 months old, in the womb. • Considered Lived Experience but prefer Experiencing Life and Forever Learning. • Went from being a Drug Dealer to a Hope Dealer.
I like to use my culture to help me journey through life. I use a grounding technique that helps me stay present when life gets difficult. I’m able to share this technique with you as I was given the go ahead by my elder whom I turn to for knowledge and advice. Hiyhiy (thankyou)
All My Relations. Brown Horse Singing.
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I’m Albert, also known as Faves. I’m an Indigenous poet, artist, and hip hop artist. I got into music because it was a way for me to vocalize my reality growing up without my biological father.A few years ago, I lost my sister, my Dad and my Mom. Grief was really a big thing. I didn’t want it be a weight in my life, but a strength.
After healing the way I did, and then dealing with it, I thought I could be someone who feels comfortable listening to it.
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I’m Riki and I am autistic, so I don’t always communicate the best by speaking and I’m very all over the place because I had a lot of concussionsBut I really love creativity and art helps me connect to myself and other people and the world around me. I’m a storyteller, and a playwright, and a lot of other things. And I really love to knit and do calligraphy. I really like creating art with other people. And that can even be like being alone together where we can do stuff by ourselves. There’s no pressure to talk, or there’s no pressure to be anything by yourself. If you want to talk. I’m here to listen.
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I'm excited about the prospect of talking about healing, loss, grief, and thinking about how relationship and art can be part of our path towards feeling a little bit better about where we find ourselves.
And as one way to share our story, I think I've always been creative and I've always been an artist. Right now I'm also a quilter. I'm a nature nerd and I spend a lot of time thinking about ways that I can be embodied in all of my creative practices as part of my own story around healing and experiencing loss and grief and inviting other folks into similar practices.
So if you're interested in talking about healing loss, grief, if you want to engage with nature practices or eco art, or you want to experience collaborative quilting or collaborative blanket making as one way to share a little piece of your story and who you are with me.
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We normally hang out at Dawson Park bathrooms Thursday at 11am MST
Find us
Call us
Hayley at 780-964-8504
(Feel free to text this number too)