Co-creating the future of Soloss

First of four reunion workshops with round one of Losstenders, Sharers and Sounding Board members to explore the essence of Soloss and how to grow it in anti-capitalist, non-institutional ways. Today focused on mapping our memories of soloss, and finding connection points.

Day 2 of our Soloss Workshop! We made customized tea for each other, explored how “the 9 to 5” (aka dominant norms and expectations) show up in our lives, what it looks and feels like outside of the “9 to 5,” and asked the question “how does Soloss move?

Highlights include a dance party to Dolly Parton’s song 9 to 5, Robert’s spontaneous moon dance and tiger impressions, moments of resonance where losstenders and sharer from 2 years ago shared ideas very similar to our own recent curiosities around rhizomatic growth.

Click to see the full Zine!


Book of Moments 2022


Soloss In Encampments